Today's topic: innovation.
Innovation has been a major part of life as I know it. Especially innovation in electronic technology. And these innovations are not random: they are a result of actual life events and the results, so far, have been magic. I can remember thinking (maybe about 5 to 7 years ago) that one day soon there would be one handheld device that would combine all handheld devices, and on that day, we will see true innovation. A new way of living, even.
Ask and you shall receive, right? In 2007, the iPhone was released. Today, I can't think of any device that tops what the iPhone has to offer... internet, phone, PDA, music player, GPS, games, fitness, Apps, Movies, ATM, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc! It's just crazy. And I just got an email today about how, starting this Saturday, Clemson is offering a live game tracking App to follow in Death Valley while our game is in progress... It will even show instant replay videos... What!? Magic.
I think the iPhone has successfully disrupted more than just its competitors, but basically, it has disrupted our whole lives. It can disrupt class or meetings or football games? But it's all good, and technology is taking life to places I never would have dreamed of. I just know that if I were given a little diffusion of something like the iPhone in its full capacity, how could I resist? Rogers knew what was up, over 40 years ago. Humans haven't changed. If given the right technology and a little hands on time, we gotta have it. And we will continue to need it. iPhone Fad? I think not. Life as we know it...? iThinkSo.